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Food Procesing

Are you trying to select the right floor for your food production facility? Are you overwhelmed by the vast range of choices and lack of clear information?

Businesses involved in food and drink processing face unique challenges when it comes to health and safety. Production processes are becoming ever more stringent and the demands of certification systems such as ISO 22000 and IFS. Therefore choosing the right flooring in the food processing sector is of utmost importance for companies that want to operate up to standards.

Food processing requires seamless floors that don’t allow the pick up of dirt and the growth of organisms. Our self leveling coatings have been designed for this exact purpose. They have been specially formulated so they don’t allow any growth of bacteria.

While cleanliness and hygiene is a crucial factor when specifying floors for the food processing industry, coatings also need to account for other factors such as exposure to certain chemicals. For example epoxy products are not suitable in production facilities that are exposed to lactic acids such as the milk, cheese and other dairy foods. In such instances we propose polyurethane floor coatings systems that are resistant to lactic acids such as Ktisopur.

Food processing facilities also need to account for the walls and the corners of the floor. Therefore Ktisis has developed an epoxy wall paint that enables easy cleaning on the walls of the food production rooms. We are also able to provide coving solutions that enable a seamless connection between the floor and the wall.

Finally for freezing chambers we have a self leveling elastic coating that is able to withstand the extremely low temperatures (-30 oC) present in such facilities.

As the number of available flooring solutions in the food processing is quite complex please contact us so that we can guide with the right solution for your project.